Business Set Up Services

Our Services to "Start-up" Units in North Eastern States of India combine the in-depth knowledge of various sections of the industry in combination of advice on company law matters, such as which type of business association is most appropriate, how to set up a company, how the company is managed, employment law matters and duties of directors, and documents needed to run the company, such as minutes of meetings, constitutional documents, shareholders agreement, and contracts with suppliers and customers.
The details of the proposed services are as under:

  • Registrations with Government Departments for various Statutes in India like Companies Act 2013., Goods and Services Tax (GST), P.F., Factory license, Consultation from Pollution department, Trade license, Licenses under various Labour Laws
  • Consultancy for various Subsidies available in North Eastern Region under NEIDS -2017 & NEIIPP -2007 THE ASSM INDUSTRIES (TAX EXEMPTION) SCHEME 2015
  • Setting up Account / Finance Department
  • Financial Accounting and Costing Services
  • On-going Tax Compliances & Filing Monthly / Quarterly / Annual Returns
  • All advisory services under the Companies Act, 1956
  • Representation before the Company Law Board, Registrar of Companies & Official Liquidator
  • Mergers and Acquisitions.
  • Share valuation
  • Corporate restructuring

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